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Rose of Jericho

The Rose of Jericho (Selaginella ) is also know as Resurrection Plant. This mystical flower has the unique quality of coming back to life. Place the Jericho flower in water, then watch it magically open. This flower is used to attract love, prosperity, good luck, peace, protection and healing.

The Jericho Flower is native to Asia. It grows in the desert in the Middle East and Sahara desert. The flower curls up its branches forming a ball to protect itself for years until the next rain or the next contact with water. It can survive years with no water. Once you place it in water, the Resurrection flower opens beautifully like a fern. However, it's not a fern but a moss.

The resurrection flower is considered a primitive plant. It is also known as "dinosaur plant". This is why it is considered to have magical powers due to it's unique property of being dead and come back to life. The curling and uncurling is reversible and can be done by the flower numerous times.

After placing the plant in water, the water needs to be changed daily. It the water is standing for too many days, the flower will rot

Rose of Jericho


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